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Organizations: Let the Talent Come to You!

LAUNCH is a resource that puts you in front of one of the country's largest pools of student accounting majors—virtually. 

  1. Sign up for LAUNCH.
  2. Customize your profile by adding your logo.
  3. Stand out in searches on factors students care about: staff size, office culture, benefits, geography, opportunities, perks.
  4. Meet eager students ready to make their mark in the accounting world.


Log in to access or make changes to your profile. If you don't have a profile, register now

Download step-by-step instructions. 



Students: Find Your Perfect Fit

LAUNCH is your guide to future employment! Your free student OSCPA membership will help pair you with the perfect employer to kick off your accounting career.  

LAUNCH provides:  

  1. Details about firms and companies in one location: client services, intern opportunities, hiring practices, CPA exam fee coverage, firm accolades, benefits, contact information, etc.
  2. Ability to filter by region, type of practice and benefits
  3. Resources you need for your job search and career


Email Lori Brown for more information.  CLICK HERE to visit LAUNCH now!